Wednesday, August 14, 2024

8/11 UFD Indian Camp Creek, 5th

 Big field with a lot of fast dudes. Didn't know what to expect since this was a super power heavy course with little climbing and after pre-riding it didn't feel like it suited me all that much. I was feeling pretty relaxed and rested, which was odd given the field, and my game plan to be in the front-ish going into the woods which were super tight and nowhere to pass until the first field section. I got a good jump so kept going and led it out, knowing I'd lose spots in the field and could set the pace without anyone coming around me. 

 I think I was sitting in 7th after the field and was not really able to respond the way I needed to. I maintained contact with Devon, Jimmy, Harre and Brody going into lap 2. Harre went down and Devon and I moved up staying in contact with Brody and Jimmy. 

By lap 3 Tom caught us and I wasn't able to hang with him after a wash out before the field on the back of the course. I couldn't catch him but he was dangling in front of me. Don't remember exactly.

Coming through into the last lap I passed Brody, could not see Harre behind me and had Jimmy and Tom within 10 seconds or so. I caught Devon before the start/finish and then he stopped for a bottle and I passed. Going into the first field section Jimmy was about 5 seconds in front of me with Tom another 5 ahead. I assumed Jimmy was bogging down but he had crashed and Tom passed him. They pulled away in the field and gapped me quickly. Exiting the field I couldn't see Harre, Brody or Devon. Pretty uneventful until the stretch between the field in the back and road crossing to the bottom when I came up on a Grenada rider who refused to let me pass. This went on for some time until I went from asking nicely to telling him to move. In retrospect and after seeing the lap times, this made a pretty big difference. Fortunately, I never was caught by Brody or Harre but lost a lot of time waiting. 

Overall I was super happy with the way I raced. There's no way I could have won that and Jimmy and Tom defintely out powered me, which I would have expected. Happy to be able to hold off Harre and Brody. 

Overall, I believe that maybe second to one of the Landahl races in 2008, this was the biggest MO mtb race I've been to, which is awesome. So many (fast!!) kids and a really well done event. Great to be a part of it!

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