Monday, August 5, 2024

7/21 UFD Show Me State Games @ Rock Bridge, 2cd Overall (1st age group - that's the way they scored it)

Another good race. Took it pretty easy all week since I wasn't feeling recovered from the race in the heat on Sunday and skipped my big workout and Dirt Crits. Definitley felt a little flat or tired, not sure which. I'm guessing just tired from a stressful week and a long hr plus warm up because I wanted to pre-ride the course.  I'm glad I did becuase I remembered 0% from the last time I raced there in 07. Far more technical and challenging than I was expecting, which I liked.

Bob was talking about letting following Josh around for a lap but I had zero fucks to be given to that idea and had a great start and was first in the woods. Overcooked a few things here and there but mainly kept it together. The young kid with long hair that reminded me of a 90's hair band came around me about 5 mins in, which was fine by me. He got a little gap on one of the downhills but I was able to recover, probably moreso since I was able to ride his wheel through the flats, which were a blast. He dabbed after the creek and I went around him.

I was riding a good pace up the climb which was apparently hard enough to drop everyone but Marc, which I didn't realize until we hit the gravel road. We had a pretty gone line of sight through the big field and couldn't see anyone chasing, which I was super suprised by. 

I think Marc passed me on the climb to the start finish and put a pretty good gap into me right away. I had no idea who he was our what to expect and just kept pushing. I bogged down a little on lap two but lap one was so fast we had a pretty good cushion. Lap 1 was 35:18. Nutrition was good, legs were pretty good and I was riding well. I didn't see anyone at all on lap 2 which was my slowest at 37:01. 

Lap 3 was more of the same but I was able to push pretty hard and motivated to finish strong, which I did. Lap 3 was 36:53.

Really happy with the way I raced and the result. What a fantastic course. Definitely worth the trip. Planning on trying to get a big workout in this week and some long mountain bike rides next weekend and taking a rest week after that. Seems like a lot of racing in a short period of time and need a little reset. 

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